Friday, September 7, 2018

Congratulations Rodrigo!

HI all,
Several of us received the following message from our good friend, Dr. Rodrigo Banages who received some great news this week!  I wanted to share it with all of you.  Please join me in extending a well deserved congratulations to Rodrigo!

Dear Friends:
First, I would like to tell you that I have not forgotten about you.
It has been a difficult 18 last month. I had to focus in all my free time on studying for the American board of Orthopedic surgery exam.
It was a very difficult time, a lot stress in my hospital, too many on call days and nights, family issues here and in Argentina, etc.
But I would like to tell you about the great news. I passed the exam!!!. Now, i am American Board elegible !!!!
It was 8 hs test with just 45 minutes rest, 450 multiple choice questions covering all the orthopedic subjects: fracture, basic science, joint replacement, spine, Hand, foot & ankle, tumors and pediatric Orthopedics. 
Less than 20% of the foreign trained pass the test in the first attempt. I did it in my first attempt. Laura and the children are so happy as I am too. 
Now, I am equal to any other American trained orthopedic surgeon. This is a freedom passport since I can work anywhere.
Also, this prolonged time of studying was a good example for my children since they saw his dad working hard to achieve this certification. During this time I loss many activities with them, but I will recover the time with them as I will recover the time with you.
The other good news is that the next day after knowing the result of my test I went down stairs to my shop and I re-start my modeling project. 
I will see you all soon

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thanks to everyone who attended the last meeting.

Hugh started off with an excellent discussion on color theory and mixing paints.  I know I'm a better modeler because of the information Hugh has shared with us on this subject.  Blake also pitched in with some excellent information.  Sorry I'm short on detail as I was busy trying to make Microsoft Windows work.  😛

Hugh also explained how the FS color system works.  Sam brought his FS color chip set.  If you hunt around the internet you can find them.  These are great references.

I brought a computer program available on the web which I thought was a great teacher of color understanding.  There's a game on there that challenges you to match the color they provide.  Also you can select any color and it will break down the mix of primary colors that make up that color.  Give it a try!

I continued my discussion on my container ship project with a discussion on how I finished my tug as well as a discussion on the commercial container ship industry.  Some tips for these small ships is to use black or colored decals for windows.  Very easy to cut to size.  The results are nice crisp windows as opposed to using paint that bleeds around crevices and running paint from capillary action.  Also discussed painting strategy on such a small subject.  I was very pleased that we could represent the commercial category at Nationals and take a prize.  Hopefully this category continues!

We had a nice discussion about the IPMS Nationals and how they were affected by location.  Lots of small models and fewer vendors than normal.  There were some new vendors there though so it made the trip worth while.

Once again John did not disappoint bringing two subjects to the meeting.  The first was the 1/700 USS Yorktown.

John also brought his photo etch Union Iron Clad Monitor that is made entirely from photo etch parts.

John also brought a kit for his collection which is the Fly Hawk 1/700 HMS Lance 1941 deluxe set.  This looks like another winner from Fly Hawk.

Finally had a discussion about Vallejo Decal setting solution.  I brought a sample of decals using three different setting solutions, Vallejo, Solvaset, and Micro Set/Sol.  The Vallejo when used on my containers with the tiny ridges completely did away with silvering.  The Vallejo which is the new choice starts with a thin coating much like a PVA glue.  The decal goes over that followed by a setting solution.  I think the base filled in a little of the detail but not enough to lose it.  It also leaves a messy flat finish.  Before next meeting I'm going to shoot clear over the decals and we'll see how well they do with a finish coat.

Looking forward to next meeting.