Monday, April 30, 2018

Greetings all,
We're going to give it a go with our new schedule.

The details...
Rockler Woodworking (in the basement)
2553 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108
Denver, Colorado  80222
Date:  5/5/2018

On the schedule for this meeting...

We'll have a presentation on a historical subject to be determined.  It might be about this...

Or this...

But then again it might not!

I will be doing a follow up on my attempt to stain thin wood deck stickers that I used for my 2018 Easter build.

I will also be doing a review on some pickers.  Not these guys!

I'm talking about tools for handling small and delicate parts.

As always...
Bring any questions you might have...
Bring any in-progress or completed models...
Bring anything you would like to sell...
Bring any new additions to your tool box or collection...

I look forward to seeing you Saturday, May 5th!