Monday, May 22, 2017

It's time for another ship club meeting.

Rockler Woodworking (basement)
2553 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108
Denver, Colorado  80222
Date:  5/27/2017
Time:  10:00

Believe it or not I'm still working through my l/700 USS Ward model.  It's been a slow and tedious project.  Partly because of my own doing.  But that's another story.  But it inspired for this month's meeting I thought we could focus on modeling's most deadly disease!


Lack of inspiration?
Intimidation from looking at the work of others?
Personal life consuming your time?
Too many interests and not enough time for them all?  (that's me by the way)

As a group let's talk about what keeps you from sitting down starting, and completing a model.  It's a little different for everybody and we've all experienced it.  Give some thought to why you can't start or finish a build.  Also what flips the switch, gets you over that blue funk, and starts you moving again.  

As always....

If you've finished something bring it!
If you are in the middle of a project and maybe need some advice, let's talk about it!
Any new kits, parts, or tools you'd like to share?  Bring it on!

See you all Saturday!