Monday, October 23, 2017

Ship Club Time!

Rockler Woodworking (basement)
2553 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108
Denver, Colorado  80222
Date:  10/28/2017
Time:  10:00

Could it be?  A year later and I'm finally finished with my 1/700 Flyhawk USS Ward!
Well, truth be told I'm putting the finishing touches on her now.  But I'm feeling confident I'll be unveiling her at the meeting Saturday.

I'm looking forward to talking to you about the build.  But mostly I'm excited about the rigging and I want to spend some time sharing with you my how I went about it.  I used metal, elastic, and nylon and I'm going to talk about how I used each material and why.

There's also a little surprise subject for the model and I've put together what I think will be a very nice base and case to display her in.  Here's a little teaser...

Jerry Beasley will be providing us with a follow up to the Flexy 5K CA.  I'm looking forward to hearing how he got along with it.  If there's interest we can try and organize a group order on this as well.

For those of you who purchased Gators Grip glue or the drill set I have them all and will bring to the meeting.  As a reminder Gators Grip glue is $5.00 per bottle and the drill sets are $5.50 each.  We'll probably have a story to share about the drill sets.  

  • As always if you have a finished model to share with us be sure to bring it.
  • If you have any new kits to add to your stash be sure to bring those as well.
  • And if you have any questions or need help with your project as a group we'll do what we can to help you figure it out!

As a reminder this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) the new hobby show will be at the Denver Merchandise Mart, now just called The Mart.  So I hope you'll come to ship club before you go check it out.

See you all Saturday.