Saturday, February 5, 2022

February Ship Club Meeting

Thanks for everyone who made it out to the meeting and had the patience to stick with me while I worked through the Zoom issues.  At the end of the day it doesn't look like the recording worked.  😒

So here's a recap of the meeting...

David Angelo started us off with a completed model of his completed USS Cimarron (AO-22) Oiler.  He, Jerry, and Sam are working to make the finished kits.  I think David has at least 10 of these sold. already, plus they want to have some completed kits for Nationals.

Next Rob shared his 1/700 Trumpeter 1944 USS Colorado build.  Rob is adding quite a few pieces of aftermarket to take this build to the next level.  

I shared an alternative material for adding form to model bases.  This is a product called DAS.  It's an air dry clay that I shared with the group at a previous meeting.  You can find this at art stores.  I found it at Amazon.  Here's the LINK to a great tutorial on everything you need to know about this product.  What's nice about this product is that it sands easily, it's easy to work with, and a third the cost of epoxy resins.  Something I said that was not correct is that apparently you can re-wet after dried and work it.  

I didn't how it at the meeting but here's one of the projects I'm working on for the seminar in Omaha.  It's a great material for adding wave forms to the base.  In this case a submarine making way through water.  

I received a call from Richard at Tom's Modelworks.  He wanted you all to know that he's received a new shipment of Colourcoats enamel paints.  You can order these from the White Ensign Models web site.

Blake shared a location that sells Model Master Enamel Paints.  Blake found this seller called Narrow Gauge Modeling.  They seem to have the full line in stock and Blake advises that they are a good seller.  Not a lot in the way of ship colors, but they were the "go to" paint for aircraft and armor modelers for years.  Testors still has these listed on their web site.  Tom asked about lens' that are used in model railroads that he used to find at Caboose Hobbies.  Tom, I would recommend contacting them and seeing if they have these in stock, or know where to find them.  If you have some success please share with the group.  

Brian did a great job telling us about his kit of the Frank Knox and the Charlestown Navy Yard Dry Dock found in Boston Harbor.  This is a great little kit which includes everything except railings.  You can buy a set from Tom's Modelworks set 701.  

Here's a link to full information about this kit found in The Modeling News.  

Tom's Modelworks US Destroyer Set #701

Brian also shared some figures he purchased from BNA Modelworld.  These figures are made by ION Models.  By clicking this LINK you can see their entire line.  BNA is a quality Australian store with good prices and excellent service.  Brian reported that they ship quickly.

They have a variety of figures including civilian and figures for sailing ships.  What you'll notice about these figures is that they are printed with the attach points on their heads.  This makes sprue removal and clean up easier with less possibility of damage to the legs.  I'm not quite sure how the positions of these sailors was translated into "chilling"?  

BNA is currently out of several of these sets.  However if you add them to your "wishlist", you'll be notified when the set you want is back in stock.  

Here's an example of these figures in use and some sailors "chilling" on the deck.  

We looked at some new 3D printed items from a company called HS Models.  These items are all in 1/350

Must have for a modern 1/350 aircraft carrier.  You can find their products for sale on their eBay store at this LINK.  Also check out their Facebook Page.  

Their helicopters and weapons are superb.  

Lots of ship parts such as hatches and life raft canisters.  Their focus is on modern subjects.

Border Models made an interesting announcement with this 1/35 (no, I didn't leave out a zero) Type VII U-Boat center deck section.  This would make for an interesting diorama.  Not sure if they will offer individual parts such as the torpedo or deck gun.  This will come out sometime this year.  There was a great deal of speculation about the price of this kit.  We'll have to see.

This 88mm deck gun would be an interesting model on its own.

Same with the Torpedo...

Revell announced that they are releasing their new 1/72 Elco PT boats with different configurations and hull numbers.  The basic 109 kit will be modified to PT-160 late war configuration.  This includes extra guns, roll off torpedoes, and radar.  The other kit is based off their late ware Elco.  It will be PT-559 in European Theatre of Operations (ETO).  This appears like will include the Thunderbolt gun system on the stern.  Italeri is taking a similar approach with their larger 1/35 models.  

FORE Hobby is following up their very successful S-38 boat with an S-38B.  This boat has a slightly different configuration with the rounded bridge section.  FORE Hobby is a very unknown commodity.  They have no web site or social media page, even though they have one printed on their box.  We'll have to see what comes from them in the future.

Jerry shared this upcoming release from Tiger Model who is back from the dead.  This is a Soviet/Russian river and border patrol boat.  It is in 1/35 scale so it will be quite large.  We were speculating that the forward turret was off a tank.  It is actually a PT-76B 76mm anti tank gun.  It's smaller than a tank turret.  The actual boat is 90 ft making this kit just shy of 31 inches long.  

Hasegawa also re-released their 1/700 Mikasa.  This time they are including a 54mm metal figure of Vice Admiral Togo Heihachiro.

Last another new kit coming from Snowman/Takom models.  This is of the Soviet Comprehensive Supply Ship, Berezina.  Also in 1/700 scale.  

That's it for this month.  Looking forward to March!  Only 6 months till Nationals in Omaha!

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