Sunday, June 6, 2021

Thanks for those who attended tonight.  It was a light turnout, probably due to the hangover from the Colpar open house.  I understand we were well represented there so glad we made the adjustment.  But most of us were enjoying the outdoors on this great spring day in Colorado.

Here's the link to the meeting recording...

Topic: Ship Club June 2021

Start Time : Jun 6, 2021 06:15 PM

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: 2FK@E2ip

Here's a recap of our meeting tonight...

We started off with some industry updates.  Kitty Hawk/Panda closed.  Not really ship related, but another big surprise from the kit manufacturing world.  I joined the hoarders and bought this before the prices get stupid...

Moving along.. In other news the person who previously ran Midship Models, now has taken over the assets and rights to Squadron.  We'll have to see what becomes of this resurrection.  There were some concerns brought up, but we'll have to see.  

Next we had an update on David Angelo's Cimmeron tanker.  David is planning on making four different versions of this ship, including Neosho, Salimonie, and astubula.  I will probably be in for the Neosho after reading the book about here entitled "The Ship That Wouldn't Die: The Saga of the USS Neosho.  

David also made some great Modern Tug CAD drawings which Jerry printed on his new 3D printer.  Here are the drawings...

Here are the prints.  The masts look incredibly fragile and the Fire Moniters or Water Canons on the roof of the wheel house are incredibly fine.  As described by Jerry, the size of a human hair. 

We had a good discussion about working with 3D prints and how to use them.  Watch the video to learn more.

Next Rob shared his work on the USS Long Island.  Rob describes the amazing photo etch and design of this kit.  If you watch the video you'll appreciate how much Rob loves this kit.  Really nice work Rob!  And also love the B-24 which is a 3D printed model.  

Here are some photos David sent me after the meeting that show off the photo etch of this kit.

A new kit coming out from Artist Hobby is the 1/700 USS Constitution.  It's available for pre-order from a number of sellers outside the US.  The prices shown are from Hobby Link Japan.  The oldest active duty ship in the US Navy.  These look like great little models and amazing detail.  Must have for me!

Jerry brought to our attention a new precision sander from Dspiae.  We're familiar with the quality their products.  The bar on the back slides left and right.  The bar can be locked down to and degrees are marked extremely well.  You can find these on eBay and a number of other places.  

Jerry also brought to our attention a video from Paul Budzik.  If you're not familiar, Paul is a dentist and many of the tools come from his practice.  In this video he uses rubber dam material (flexible rubber) for masking certain model parts for painting, etc.  Give it a look.

Finally we talked about paint pens.  These pens are actually paint and not felt or ink markers that we're familiar with.  They have a small agitator inside.  Press down on the tip and it fills with paint.  Dab off if there's too much paint.  The top photo are Edding 780 and are available from the UK.  The bottom are from a company called POSCA.  The best for our use would be the PC-1MR.  This is a .7mm precision point.  The Edding 780's are all the same type of point.  You can buy POSCA on eBay and Amazon.  They come in a variety of colors and sets.  Everything from basic colors to metallics.  For our purposes the blacks, grays, and whites are extremely useful.  I would caution that the POSCA red isn't very red.  It's more of a florescent red or pink color.  I ordered one of the Edding 780 reds to see if it's a better color.  To show how effective they are I showed how I painted GoodYear lettering on a 1/24 model tire.  

Moving forward I will try and set up a test of a live feed from Rockler.  Hopefully we'll be able to live stream for our out of town visitors.  I also brought up the idea of following through with the idea of a bench night where we can work on our models and chat.  If you have any thoughts about this let me know.

See you next time guys!

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