Monday, June 8, 2020

Greetings all
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to postpone ship club for a week.  I was able to complete my class and happy to have that behind me.

I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about and I'll update this post with some more information shortly.

One thing I do want to show you all is the new motor tool I picked up.  I'm happy with the choice and will be reviewing the features that I found important in making my decision.

There are some new motor tools out that are smaller in size compared to the standard Dremel's we grew up using.  This is an essential tool on my bench and I suspect many of you use them as well.  We'll take a look at some of the different tools out there.  I would also like to hear from you all what tool you use and what you like, or don't like about it.  It should make for a good discussion.

We have three finished models to show off from David Angelo, John Widmar, and Rob Weilacher.  

Also wanted to remind you that we'll be discussing interesting and obscure books you might be reading or have read that you can recommend to the group.  I know we have some prolific readers in our group.  I'll be talking about this book I've been listening to through Audible.  

I look forward to seeing you all.  

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