Sunday, May 10, 2020

Greetings all,
A couple of items for you between meetings...

David Angelo sent me some photos of his jig for working on his models.  This is a great solution for working on waterline models, but it can easily be made to work with full Hull too.  I often mount the model to finials so the same mounting point for your finial could be used for securing the model while you work on it.  Thanks for forwarding these David!

Also Rob Weilacher suggested that a topic for our meetings.   His idea is for members to recommend readings covering new or obscure titles or topics.  Sam has been great about bringing us offerings from Naval Institute Press, and I know some of you are prolific readers.  I know I'll have one for the meeting.  A book called "Shattered Sword" by Jonathan Marshall and Anthony Tully.  I'm interested to know what obscure or new titles you might be reading.  

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