Monday, April 27, 2020

It's time for virtual ship club, part two!
When:  May 2nd, at 10:00 MDT
Where:  In the on Zoom.  A link to the meeting will be sent to you.

First some changes at Zoom.  You may have heard that with the huge influx of business they have experienced some activity by low life's that have hacked into meetings.  They've implemented some changes to prevent that from happening.  One is that I believe everyone will log into a waiting room.  As you arrive I will pull you into the meeting.  So be patient with me as we go through this.  Otherwise it should be the same.

We'll kick it off with another episode of "where's Dave?"  I think I have a good one this month.  It ties in to Dave Angelo of Loose Cannon East who I hope can join us this month to talk about what he's up to.

I have a couple of finished projects to share with you all.  I'm hoping that you will all share what you've been working on during the isolation.  Sam is going to provide me with some history on one of these projects that I will share with you.

I have some nice photos of Rodrigo's finished work and works in progress.  He's done some very artistic cases for his ship models that I look forward to sharing with you.

I have really come to enjoy podcasts.  There are several that are focused specifically on scale modeling, and one of them devotes time to ships!  There are a couple that I'm listening to and I'll share those with you.  I'd like to hear what you guys listen to or watch while you're modeling.  And do you partake in "modeling fluids"?  I'll explain later.

We will be talking about some new tools.  Jerry will be sharing with us a new sanding tool that he's recently acquired.  I came across a new jig that's winging its way to me, designed specifically for the model ships we build.  

As always please bring...
  • Any questions you have
  • What you're working on
  • Finished models you would like to share with us.
The link to the next meeting will be sent out by email shortly.  Be sure to use the current link because they will change with each session.

See you Saturday, May 2nd.

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