Sunday, January 21, 2018

Greetings Ship Club family!

Usual details...

Meeting place:
Rockler Woodworking (basement)
2553 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108
Denver, Colorado  80222
Date:  1/27/2018
Time:  10:00

Sam will be back to provide us with a presentation on Flush Deck Four Stack Destroyers, Specifically the USS Stewart and her subseqent conversion to IJN P-102.  This will be a two part presentation.  Martin and I are planning on bringing a few finished and unfinished examples of these destroyers.

I'm hoping Victor will give us some feedback on Tamiya paint retarder and it's use with brush painting.

I will be following up on my paint test with Tru-Colors paint.  This has been interesting and I'm anxious to share with you what I learned.

I'm working hard to complete another model.  This one a  Soviet WWII K Class submarine (specifically K-21) in a water base.  Some interesting challenges with this one!  Goals on this one were using photo etch decking, tungsten rigging wire, and water scene.

As always.....
Bring finished models
Bring new kits, parts, and tools.
Bring any issues you may be facing

See you Saturday!

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