Monday, September 19, 2016

It's time for Ship Club again!  So here's the plan for this meeting

Location:  Rockler Woodworking
Address:  2553 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108, Denver, Colorado  80222
Time:  10:00

On the agenda for this meeting...

Photo courtesy  of Navsource

As I mentioned during the last meeting one the most enjoyable memories of the 2016 IPMS Nationals was not the show but going out to Patriots Point and listening to a couple of sea dogs reminisce about their time on sister ships of USS Laffey and USS Yorktown on display there.

This meeting Roger will share with you his photography and memories of his time on the USS Borie, DD-704.  USS Borie was a Sumner Class destroyer and is a dead ringer for Laffey in her FRAM II configuration.

Next Hugh will get a chance to share his experience with the ship models at the show.  Hugh always comes back with some great stories.

Then I will follow up with weathering using the water color pencils.  I experimented with the deck and also the little U-Boat using washes and also the salt technique which is interesting.  Unfortunately my cat experimented with the U-Boat so she's not as seaworthy as she was.

Finally Jerry found an interesting video on a DIY scriber using sewing needle and mechanical pencil. We're going to have to put this one to the test so I'll try and build one for the meeting and we'll take it for a test drive.

As always...
If you have something new please bring it.
If you finished a model or would like to share your progress... bring it!
If you're having a challenge you need help with let's see if we can help.
If you have an idea for a meeting let's hear it!

I'm off to check in with Blake on a new club shirt idea.

And don't forget the Pearl Harbor Anniversary build.  Are you making any progress?

Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday.

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