Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ship Club Time!

Meeting Location:
Rockler Woodworking (in the basement)
2553 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108
Denver, Colorado  80222
Date:  August 3, 2019
Time:  10:00

The IPMS National Convention is looming and I'm busy finishing up my project.  I expect to have it at the meeting.  At this point I don't anticipate it splattering against the wall.  This is a model I built as a club project a while back and had a chance to finish it for this show.  It will be entered in the Vignette category which we can talk more about during the meeting.  Most importantly, it meets the size requirement for travel by air.  Here's a hint...

I've been having a lot of fun putting this together, especially the base and case.  I'll be talking more about that during the meeting and showing you what tools and materials I used.

I decided to sponsor the Ship Diorama awards, Category 742, at the convention under our club's name.  This was solely my decision and I've paid for it already.  If anyone would like to donate to the cause it would be appreciated.

Update.. Sam advised that he's going to deliver a presentation on naval AEW Aircraft.

For those of you who ordered Flexy 5CA and related products, it all came in.  I'll shoot out a message later with amounts everyone owes.
I ordered the ceramic wire as well.  When I spoke with them they had a mad rush on it and were out of stock.  However they expected to have it back in about now.  I'm going to call them tomorrow and see how it's coming along.  If it's on the way I will let you know by email as well.

I look forward to seeing you all Saturday!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Greetings all,
Another good meeting.

We started off with a video on how to use AK Interactive Weathering Pencils.  Here are some links to the video we watched and a couple of others.  There's a lot of buzz about this product.  These are water color pencils.  There are several different ways to use it which makes it a valuable tool in your weathering arsenal.  What's particularly nice about these is that they are colors that are complimentary to our hobby.  AK has taken an interesting approach to marketing them.  You can buy them as a complete set (about $70 wish), In packs of 5 in complimentary groupings for about $10, and individually which tend to be higher priced.

We had some fun playing around with them during the meeting.  Feedback overall was positive.  Use a manual type of sharpener so you don't waste any of your pencils.  Give it a try!

At this time I'm not planning on putting in any kind of order since there are so many options.  They are available at Colpar and online from MegaHobby, Michigan Toy Solder, Last Cavalary, Amazon, eBay, and many others.

John brought us some new kits as well.  Some nice kits from Fstar Models.  Also the 1/700 Nisshan from Aoshima.  These look like fun little kits.

Kent Strapko brought me the information about the customer 3D printed aircraft.  The manufacturer is Northview Foundry.  These are available through Tom's Modelworks.

We also had a good discussion about CA glues, specifically from Vantage Modeling Solutions.  Tonight I put in an order from Michigan Toy Soldiers who markets their products.  I've requested that we have everything before the next meeting if at all possible.

I'm also putting in an order for ceramic wire.  Love this stuff!  We'll try and get this before the next meeting as well.

Until next meeting!

Monday, July 1, 2019

It's that time again!  Sorry for the late message but my wife and I just returned from vacation.

Meeting Location:
Rockler Woodworking (in the basement)
2553 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108
Denver, Colorado  80222
Date:  July 6, 2019
Time:  10:00

As we discussed last meeting we're going to play with the new AK Interactive weathering pencils.  Remember these?  I'm going to bring a hull with several different finishes to see how these perform.  The plan is show a "how to" video and then we'll try some of the techniques for ourselves.

The complete set of these pencils was recently released.  The entire set is expensive at $70 ish depending on where you find them.  But they are oriented to scale models and could be one of those sets that lasts a life time.

I look forward to seeing you all Saturday.  Remember...

  • Bring your challenges
  • Bring your new kits
  • Bring your finished kits
  • Bring ideas!